
There are so many ways to give

Every donation demonstrates our shared commitment to ensure that no one faces cancer alone.

We rely on the generosity of the community to keep our programs free to everyone impacted by cancer. There are many ways to give and so many people to help.

General Donations

You Can Help

100% of the funds Gilda's Club Chicago needs are provided by donors like you.

Tribute Gifts

A gift to Gilda's Club Chicago in honor or in memory of a loved one is a meaningful way to recognize those who have made a special impact on our lives.

Legacy Giving

A legacy gift is a gift you plan for today that will benefit Gilda’s Club Chicago far into the future, and may provide you with tax advantages. It can be as simple as making Gilda’s Club Chicago a beneficiary of a retirement account or life insurance policy, or including us in your trust or will. Legacy gifts also include gifts of appreciated securities and gifts from IRAs – an increasingly popular way to give for those over age 70.5. Talk to your attorney or financial advisor for ways to leave a lasting legacy.

Matching Gifts

Many corporations have programs that will match your donation to an accredited charitable organization. Check with your HR department to see if your company has a matching donation program.

Stock Donations

Stock donations and gifts of mutual funds or bonds are simple and advantageous ways to share your generosity with Gilda’s Club Chicago. By making stock donations to Gilda’s Club, you can multiply the impact of your gift. In addition to receiving a tax deduction for the fair market value of your stock, you can avoid capital gain tax by making the gift directly to Gilda’s Club Chicago.

Corporate Philanthropy

Support from local corporations is vital to our continued growth and success. There are several ways for your organization to make an important difference in the lives of many.


Help generate needed funds on behalf of Gilda’s Club Chicago by creating your own special event or unique fundraiser. The options are endless

Other ways to give

Support Team Gilda

Run for Gilda's Club or support our team of trained Team Gilda Runners!

Join the Red Door Society

A gift of $1,000 or more enrolls you in the Red Door Society.

Make a difference today. Donate online!